Challen Baby Grand Piano CAN DELIVER Lovely Mahogany Case 88 Nt Concert Keyboard

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Challen Baby Grand Piano CAN DELIVER Lovely Mahogany Case 88 Nt Concert Keyboard

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Challen Baby Grand Piano
A beautifully, compacted mahogany baby grand in a modern design, raised on gated legs and a full 88 keys. It is complimented with a wonderful warm and mellow tone.


Raised on Gate LegsTwo Pedal AssemblyAttractive 5 Foot GrandSimple Modern Design
1450 mm wide1010 mm high1520 mm deep
We also offer full restoration/ tuning/ regulation/ french polishing & repairs. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions.

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Category: Musical Instruments:Keyboards and Pianos:Pianos:Grand and Baby Grand Pianos
Location: Bath