Continuo Pipe Organ

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Continuo Pipe Organ

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A single manual continuo pipe organ built mainly from second-hand parts.  Direct electric extension action operating two ranks of pipes: open and stopt flutes.  This gives four stops:-  8′ open flute, 8′ stopt flute, 4′ stopt flute and 2′ open flute.  The compass is five full octaves but the 2′ open flute has only 54 notes and terminates at top ‘F’ in common with the compass of most continuo organs.The organ is mounted on castors to enable it to be moved and dismantles into four main parts with multi-plugs enabling the electrics to be disconnected easily.  The top section can easily be lifted off the base section by two people. The bass windchest unclips from the base section after the 18 bass pipes at the back of the organ have been removed.  The small, quiet electric blower is separate from the instrument and is connected via a wind trunk.This has been an on-going extra project for over 20 years off-and-on as time permitted.  I was a professional organ builder but am now retired due to age and health issues.  This project over-ran about a year into my retirement, but it now has to go.N.B.Please note that this organ is not constructed to the standards of excellence produced by certain tracker-action ‘Box Organ’ manufacturers who would charge about 25,000 for one of their similarly-sized quality instruments.  This fact is reflected in the starting price, as are the facts that I am not accepting any returns or offering any after-sales service or warranty.  PLEASE DO NOT BID ON THIS ITEM UNLESS YOU ARE PREPARED TO ACCEPT THESE CONDITIONS.  – I am now retired from organ building and am not overcharging.Also please note that there are a number of factors that would not necessarily satisfy a sensitive musician.  As something of a prototype, the construction is such that I would not consider it suitable for being dismantled and transported around to numerous events without reliability becoming an issue.  It is rather much more suited for home use or for continuo use in a church.  The winding seems adequate for the kind of music that continuo organs are designed for but can run down fairly rapidly if four-part hymns are played when all four stops are used together.  The winding is slightly ‘live’ due to the small wind reservoir but this is a fairly usual feature of continuo organs.  Try listening to some examples of continuo organs on YouTube!  The organ case has a lid but this needs to be removed before playing the organ in order to maintain the tuning of the instrument, (and let more sound out).I live in Bristol but the organ is located in my old workshop at KILVE, in WEST SOMERSET, TA5 1EF.  Delivery is not possible; it is a question of COLLECTION ONLY from Kilve.  I own a small Citroen Berlingo van but consider that whoever collects the organ would need to use a slightly larger vehicle than this in order to transport the complete instrument in one go.I can help with loading;  not a difficult job for two people;  but please note that the organ has to go just as it is; i.e. unpackaged.  A few years ago I sold a heavy, bulky item on a ‘collection only’ basis via Ebay and it was purchased by an American.  It was a half-completed live steam model 3.5 inch gauge railway locomotive plus tender.  He sent a UPS representative to collect it and expected me to crate the item, (it was necessary for me to manufacture two large wooden crates), and also sort out the customs paperwork that he messed up.  Sorry, but this really was too much hassle for a collection-only item sold for little profit.  For this reason it follows that it really has to go to a UK resident only who can take the organ away as it is.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                I have managed to upload a video of the organ onto YOUTUBE.  Please type “20190330 153530” into the search box to watch.  Unfortunately I am no musician so the playing is not great. also, some of the photos uploaded may be slightly dated due to computer problems preventing me from downloading more up-to-date photos.
Happy bidding.

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Category: Musical Instruments:Keyboards and Pianos:Organs
Location: West Somerset