Harmonium Superb Schiedmayer french style pressure reed organ

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Harmonium Superb Schiedmayer french style pressure reed organ

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This is a magnificent example of a top grade french style harmonium, made by Schiedmayer of Stuttgart.



The Schiedmayers studied in Paris and then applied the very highest standards of German manufacture. Iv or ee keytops, and generally of museum quality.



This instrument is a going concern, having been fully restored for its previous owner.  I have a houseful of harmoniums, and am under orders from she who must be obeyed to dowsize.



This would be perfect for someone wanting to play the nineteenth-century repertoie, and to learn the art of using the expression pedal.



This one has slightly more atops than standars, including percussion and bass and trble ranks usinf the dawes system, which in the bass will add an extra 16 foot to the bass of and chord, and on the treble sice, bring out a melody somewhat.



Collection only, near Monmouth. The pitch is sharp of normal, which is perfectly fine for solo use.



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Category: Musical Instruments:Keyboards and Pianos:Organs
Location: Ross-on-Wye