Henry Willis 4 junior development plan pipe organ

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Henry Willis 4  junior development plan pipe organ

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Two manual and pedal Junior Development Plan Henry Willis 4 pipe organ made in 1960.Pedal            1Sub-Bass16            2Gedackt8            3Gedackt4            4Klein Gedackt2
Great            5Gedackt8            6Dulciana8            7Gemshorn4            8Fifteenth2
Swell(enclosed)              9Rohr Flute8            10Salicional8            11Coppel Flute4            12Block Flute2            13Tremolo8 ranks of pipes, Pedal is extended from the Great, everything else is straight. Direct electric action. The instrument is complete and although until recently it was in use, it is currently dismantled as the church needed the space!The console sits at the front but in reality is freestanding and is approximately 55″wide x 42″deep (including pedalboard)The Organ itself is approx. 87″ wide x 50″ deep making the overall footprint, with the console sitting at the front  approx. 87″wide x 92″deep.  I will measure the height and add some more photos tomorrow.The original hardwired capture system is present.  Transmission is the original ladder switch system which would need replacing, not least because the cable has been cut linking it to the console!Blower, reservoir with control, transformer etc etc all present.  Pipework typical of its age and generally in good condition although rather dusty!  Voicing typical of Willis 4.This organ needs some work to bring it back to life, but it is a very versatile instrument and a real piece of history, especially given the recent demise of Henry 4.  The keyboards are 61 notes and have the famed Willis toggle touch system, the pedalboard is 32 notes. 

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Category: Musical Instruments:Keyboards and Pianos:Organs
Location: Birkenhead