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Rank of Organ Pipes:  NAZARD 22/3 ft

The organ,  rescued from a Hampshire church (which now uses a digital organ) has not played for 30 years since the pneumatics became unreliable. It is by the famous Victorian organ builders GRAY AND DAVISON. Lovely quality, as you might expect from this builder.This is a late Victorian organ, and names like “Nazard” were never used in those days. So the Flute twelfth on the Choir organ is shown on the drawstop as “Twelfth”.  But, as you can see from the photos, it is a proper Nazard of narrow-scale stopped flutes.
Key compass is 61 notes, and wind pressure is recorded as 3 inches wg.
There are quite a lot of ranks available too from this organ and others. If you are interested, do contact me. These include Opens and Principals, a fifteenth, piccolo, twelfth, Nazard, Harmonic Piccolo, some lovely flutes (8ft Clarabella, 4ft Wald flute, excellent Swell wooden gedackt etc. Also two 16ft reeds )Trombone and Contra Fagotto) which are being listed this week. Also Kimber-Allen rectifier, Stero electric drawstop units etc.Just ask – my number is on the final photograph, and since I will be away from my computer for part of this week, I suggest a call would be the best way to communicate or ask questions.Personal collection (from West Yorkshire, or from Aldershot at the beginning of March) is fine. If you want the pipes crated and sent by Hermes, the cost will be 25 (UK or Europe).  If the Nazard fails to sell, I will be open to phone offers a little lower.

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Category: Musical Instruments:Keyboards and Pianos:Organs
Location: West Yorkshire