Bechstein Upright Over Strung Piano Ebonised Case 1880-1900
Musical Instruments:Keyboards and Pianos:Pianos:Upright Pianos – Bechstein Upright Over Strung Piano Ebonised Case 1880-1900
Musical Instruments:Keyboards and Pianos:Pianos:Upright Pianos – Bechstein Upright Over Strung Piano Ebonised Case 1880-1900
Musical Instruments:Keyboards and Pianos:Pianos:Grand and Baby Grand Pianos – VERY SMALL GODFREY PIANO WHITE PAINTED OVER STRUNG TUNED 299 CAN DELIVER
Musical Instruments:Keyboards and Pianos:Pianos:Grand and Baby Grand Pianos – EMIL SHRODER PIANO OVER STRUNG 1930 C/C APROX MINT C/C 199 CAN CAN DEL
Musical Instruments:Keyboards and Pianos:Pianos:Grand and Baby Grand Pianos – HERMANN MAYER SMALL WHITE PAINTED MODERN 3 PEDEL OVER STRUNG 435 CAN DELIVER
Musical Instruments:Keyboards and Pianos:Pianos:Grand and Baby Grand Pianos – CHAPPELL PLAIN OVER STRUNG GOOD CASE 1930 C/C 280 TUNED PLAYS WELL CAN DELIVER